Thursday, November 22, 2007


To everyone who's e-mailed me in the past months since that last post: sorry I didn't get back to you! Life's been stupid busy, and what with the move to the US, I was cut off from any serious internet access for ages.

To those interested in what's become of RPG Zero, it's still sort of alive back there. I'm afraid that despite going for a job that I thought would be more relaxing than the last one (which was an overtime filled nightmare), I'm still finding myself without enough free time to work on personal projects. C'est la vie, eh? I still want to make RPG Zero, though now it's more likely that I'll be doing so in the quiet holiday/vacation moments rather than trying to jam it into evenings and weekends. I'll post here when and if I make any major strides.

Thanks again for all the kind comments and e-mails. And good luck to everyone still working on their projects!

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