Saturday, December 30, 2006

A word on XNA performance from the horse's mouth

Curious to know which bits of information on managed code performance on the 360 are FUD versus truth? The .Net Compact Framework Team's blog has a 2 parter on performance considerations on the beast.

There are some interesting tidbits on where the XNA and the standard Compact Framework diverge. Shame that it doesn't yet take advantage of the Altivec stuff, but oh well.

They mention memory management, of course. I'm still of the opinion that the best way to minimise the effect of memory allocation/deallocation on your game's frame rate is the same way to minimise the effect of anything on your frame rate: don't do it. Allocate what you need at the start of the most convenient logical block you have (game start, level start, etc) and recycle. No sense in deallocating a bad guy when it dies if you'll just need another in a few seconds!

As a bonus, the nice chaps at the .Net CF blog also link off to what they consider to be good advise on managed code performance in general.

All very much worth taking note of.

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